Application guide for studying at Taiyuan University of Technology

23-2-12 下午2:32 作者:TYUT_CIEE 【


If the intermediary company says that they can help you apply for the Chinese government scholarship, it must be cheating you. We will decide whether you can get the scholarship according to your comprehensive score.

1. 从2024年招生简章中查看是否有你申请的专业    太原理工大学来华留学招生简章   专业目录

Check the 2024 admissions brochure to see if the program you are applying for is available          admissions brochure(2024)

2. 下载导师邀请函和来华留学生面试表 ,联系相关专业导师,介绍你自己的学习和工作经历、学习计划和研究方向、最高学历证明和成绩单。如果导师同意接收你,请他给你写邀请函并和两封推荐信一起上传到报名系统。

导师邀请函  导师联系方式   导师信息查询  来华留学生面试表

Please click on the link  to find the tutor's information and introduce yourself to him. You need to obtain an invitation letter from the tutor.

Reupload your bank statements, physical examination form, and English test certificate (such as IELTS with a minimum score of 6.5 or Duolingo with a minimum score of 110 points).

Download the tutor invitation letter, contact the relevant professional tutor, introduce your own study and work experience, study plan and research direction, the highest degree certificate and transcript. If the Professor agrees to accept you, ask him to send an invitation letter to you. Then you need to upload the invitation letter to the admissions portal where the recommendation letters are located..     Invitation letter      Contact information of tutors    Mentor search system    Interview form

3. 访问太原理工大学招生系统完成注册后开始填报申请。 报名指南 或者

Visit the recuitement portal of Taiyuan University of Technology to complete the registration and start to fill in the application.     Registration guide   

4.请确保你的体检时间是在申请之日前6个月以内,请下载1.外国人体格检查表   2. 健康须知与承诺 ,本人签字后扫描上传到体检报告位置。

Please ensure that your physical examination time is within 6 months before the date of application. Please download both forms : I. foreigner physical examination form .  II.Health instructions and commitments , scan and upload it to the location of the physical examination report after your signature.


5. 招生办公室将核查你的申请材料,确定你的入境资格和录取资格。招生办公室将通知你加入招生微信群。

The admission officer will review your application materials. If you have the entry qualification and admission qualification,the admission officer will notify you to join the wechat group of admission.

6. 当您收到我们要求您支付注册费的电子邮件时,请在一周内支付注册费。请在汇款说明中注明您的申请号和汇款目的。成功支付注册费后,请将付款截图上传至系统。支付报名费后,招生办公室将发放预录取通知书。

Wechat code scanning payment

When you receive our email asking you to pay the registration fee, please pay the registration fee within one week. Please indicate your application number and remittance purpose in the remittance instruction. After the successful payment of registration fee, please upload the payment screenshot to the system.

The admission officer will issue a pre-amdission letter to you after the payment of your registration.

6. 等待招生办公室完成学生入境申请的上报后获得JW202表和录取通知书。录取通知书上将说明你所获得的奖学金类型和等级。

After the admissions officer completes the students’ entry application,you will receive the JW202 form and the formal admission notice. The admission notice states the type and level of scholarship you won.

7. 你可以同时访问中国政府奖学金招生网站完成报名。  

You can visit the Chinese Govement Scholarship admission portal complete the application.  

8. 联系我们

Contact us:  

Address and Contact Information

Institute of International Educational Exchange, Taiyuan University of Technology

Address: 79 West Yingze Street, Wanbailin District, Taiyuan ,Shanxi Province, China

Office Tel: 0086-351-6010232


Contact  Teacher Wang    (CSC  CIS )   Teacher Liu (PhD,Bachelor)    Teacher  ( Master)